1 Reviews
Some people are boobs.
It is unethical for medical users to get high grade marijuana when they only want the medical aspects while recreational users get garbage from government run stores when they only want to enjoy it. It being legal, medical users can go to the NSLC like everyone else, they have what medical users are looking for, including high cbd strains and sprays, what they don’t have is what you’re selling to the medical users which is high grade, high thc, recreational marijuana. If all they want is the medicinal aspects, hemp is good enough. Anyhow, us recreational users want your shops around, but we also want to be able to buy at them. Marijuana being legal means no shop should be for medicinal users only or for recreational users only as a prescription is no longer a necessity in order to buy it, anyone can buy it now if they’re over 19 years old so even if you were running legally and for medicinal users, you’d be wrong to turn someone away who uses recreationally and doesn’t have a prescription. How did the Hot Box cafe do it? How did all the pot shops in B.C. do it for all these years. The shops in B.C. were selling to recreational users the whole time and rarely if ever getting busted, and that was long before legalization. The Hot Box cafe in Toronto’s been running for years and years, have to go out back to smoke up, but they certainly sell weed inside. How about the High Life social club on Spring Garden rd, they’ve been selling weed the whole time they’ve had their doors open and not got busted once, and people are allowed to smoke weed inside. I bet those places all have legit business licenses too, and pay taxes.