For more information on same day delivery please check the FAQs.
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Call or text 438-836-3356 and one of our friendly drivers will deliver to your door the same day. Our delivery service is only in the more central areas of Montreal. We accept cash only.
No delivery fee within 6.5km of Plateau area. $60 minimum order. (Locations further than 6.5km away from us are possible but a higher minimums will be applied based on your location, delivery times may be longer than usual and we don't guarantee that it will be possible, but feel free to text and inquire.)
** For first time customers we'll need you to text picture of your photo I.D. which shows you are the age of 21. Feel free to hide the ID number as this is just to verify your age. Include with your ID an address for delivery so we can verify if you are within our deliver service range.
21+ Valid photo ID is required.