Welcome to Karuna Health Foundation. It is our mission to serve the chronically and terminally ill of Vancouver, the Lower Mainland, and indeed all of Canada. We believe that our members deserve the highest quality medicine at an affordable cost, delivered by knowledgeable staff in a compassionate and safe place.
We specialize in a vast array of medicinal cannabis strains, from the strongest of the Afghanica Indicas to the soaring heights of true Sativas, and all hybrids in between. The right strain to help with your medical condition is waiting for you at Karuna Health Foundation.
Karuna stands for compassion and wisdom and we strive to embody that in everything we do. Our staff remains educated in the most current research regarding the health benefits and applications of medicinal marijuana. We maintain a range of products to suit any member’s needs and budget. It is our goal to help our members to manage their health while also assisting them in finding the peace of mind which comes from receiving the right medicine in a friendly, welcoming environment. Whether they are battling a chronic condition, healing, or entering the palliative stage of their care, each patient’s individual needs remain our first priority.
Many members have been with us through trying times, as we attempt to grow and serve our community better. We aim to exceed those loyal members’ expectations every day. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank all those who have kept us positive throughout our journey here at Karuna Health Foundation.
The definition of addiction is “A compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance”. It is possible to develop a psychological addiction to most things that are taken to excess, however cannabis is not physically addictive, although it is accepted that in some cases a psychological dependence can occur in heavy to chronic users. According to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicines 1999 report, Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base: “Compared to most other drugs dependence among marijuana users is relatively rare, although few marijuana users develop dependence, some do. But they appear to be less likely to do so than users of other drugs (including alcohol and nicotine), and marijuana dependence appears to be less severe than dependence on other drugs.” Even heavy cannabis users won’t suffer withdrawal as is the case with alcohol, hard drugs and prescription medicines. Chronic users who stop using cannabis report experiencing irritability, restlessness and find it difficult to sleep for at least a week after discontinuing use.
There are three distinct types of cannabis plant that are grown for their psychoactive content. These are Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Ruderalis. The fourth classification is given to what is now referred to as Hemp, this is the name given to non psychoactive cannabis plants that are grown commercially for seeds, oil and fiber. These plants typically contain around 3% THC content, however, hemp strains have been artificially bred to contain very little cannabinoid content to satisfy the prohibition lobby. In reality if farmers could grow regular cannabis they would be able to utilize more of the plant and earn extra income from the cannabinoids which could be used as medicine
Yes. Under the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations there is a possession cap of either 30 times the daily quantity of dried marijuana indicated by your healthcare practitioner on your medical document, or 150 grams of dried marijuana, whichever is less Per visit.