The Vancouver Dispensary Society was founded and registered as a non-profit society in September 2008 and opened The Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary on October 6, 2008. Our mission is to provide high-quality medicinal cannabis products to legitimate patients with a valid medical need.
In an effort to reach more people with valid medical needs The Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary changed policy on July 14, 2016 and stopped requiring a doctors confirmation to make purchases. Now all adults over the age of 19 upon producing valid government issued ID (2 pieces under 25) may shop at either location or access the mail order services.
The membership department will continue to receive and issue memberships and members wishing to maintain their status must keep their records up to date. All minor children will continue to require a membership with consent from the doctor. A 15% discount will be applied to the minor’s account which will remain in place indefinitely.
We have two locations open to serve you: 880 East Hastings Street and 1182 Thurlow Street.
In an effort to improve our community, The Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary is proud to
support to the following organizations:
Chrysalis Society
Women leading women to healthier lifestyles.
Dr. Peter Centre
Making a global contribution to changing the world of HIV/AIDS care.
Sensible BC
Sensible BC Campaign for Marijuana Reform
Positive Living Society
Enabling persons living with AIDS and HIV to empower themselves through mutual support.