At TOKE, we look towards cannabis’s future while recognizing and valuing the past that got us to where we are now. On October 17, 2018, cannabis was made legal in Canada by The Cannabis Act, officially ending prohibition. This day represented a light at the end of a very long tunnel of advocacy and activism to recognize and acknowledge the needs of Canadians to have access to legalized cannabis, without penalty.
TOKE is a cannabis retail store (CRS) that is licensed by Health Canada and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to sell cannabis for recreational purposes. We are wholly compliant with The Cannabis Act in our promotion, sales, and in providing the best cannabis retail experience for those who visit our store.
We are passionate about cannabis and the people who make up this industry. We are dedicated to a bright future for cannabis in Canada. We honor cannabis’s past while building its future. We love Bob Marley. We are advocates for cannabis amnesty and the eradication of cannabis criminal records in Canada. We love to consume cannabis safely and responsibly. We are trailblazers. We are sources for education and information about cannabis. We are TOKE, Ontario’s cannabis retail store, and we are here to serve you.
In Ontario, 19+
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