We offer a wide range of personal vaporizers and e-juices designed to fit the consumer’s lifestyle, with quality products from well-trusted manufacturers in the industry.
The majority of the e-juices that we provide are produced by Canadian e-juice manufacturers. These manufacturers have their e-juices tested for quality standards and consumer safety. I know this is true because we have structured and grown our business and have come this far within the “Electronic Cigarette” Industry because it all started from my own personal experience!
The range of products that we provide to the consumer is tailored for the beginner to the advanced levels, while still providing customers with a variety of products to choose from. We are confident that a customer will find a product that they like when they walk into a Vapour Solutions’ store.
We like to refer to Vapour Solutions as a “One-Stop-Shop”. You’ll see why …:) If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. At your convenience, if you could send us an email on our “Contact Us” section on the website that would be the best way to reach us and for us to get back to you.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check us out! Hope you’re having an awesome day.
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